why making a functional analysis ?

    Functionality prioritization can be carried out using various methods, such as the value and effort matrixThis matrix classifies functionalities according to their added value for users and the effort required to develop them. This enables informed decisions to be made about which features should be included in the initial version of the product, and which can be added in later versions.

    Once features have been prioritized, it's important to describe them in detail so that developers clearly understand what is expected. This can be done using functional specifications, which describe the various product features, the associated use cases and the expected results.

    It is also important to take technical constraints into account when defining product functionality. Technical constraints may include resource limitations, development deadlines or compatibility with other systems.

    By taking these constraints into account from the outset, you can avoid delays and potential problems during product development.

    In short, defining product functionality is a crucial step in the development process. It ensures that the final product will meet market needs and user expectations. Prioritizing functionalities and taking technical constraints into account are key elements of this stage.

    Functional analysis

    It enables a complex system to be broken down into simpler subsystems, to better understand its overall functioning.

    The main aim of a functional analysis is to identify the needs and expectations of users, as well as the technical and economic constraints to which the system must respond. This enables us to define the system's functional specifications, i.e. the various functions it must perform.

    To carry out a functional analysis, several steps are required. First of all, it's important to gather user requirements and prioritize them according to importance.Next, we need to define the system's main functions, i.e. the actions it must perform to meet user needs. Once the main functions have been identified, they need to be broken down into more detailed sub-functions. This decomposition provides a better understanding of the system's inner workings, and identifies the interactions between the various functions. Finally, it is important to specify the various constraints to which the system must respond, such as technical, economic or environmental constraints..

    Cela permet de définir les critères de performance du système et de s’assurer qu’il remplira bien sa fonction. (il est important, pour les étapes futures, de définir dans l’analyse fonctionnelle les niveaux d’exigences de chaque fonction, ainsi que les bénéfices ou désagrément que pourraient apporter la satisfaction ou non du besoin (et donc de l’utilisateur).

    Product specifications

    Functional analysis will be a key element in drafting the Product specification sheet.

    design to cost

    Functional analysis, incorporating a clear, documented hierarchy of functions, will enable us to define an objective-cost design strategy.
