Plastic injection moulding
Plastic injection moulding
Plastic injection moulding
2K injection moulding
Hysbter offers you to produce your plastic parts through bi-material or tri-material injection (2 to 3 materials), quickly and at competitive costs.
We can use 3D printed cavities (resin), for materials with melting points below 240°C, or machined in aluminium or mild steel, for larger quantities or more technical materials.
Specialists in appearance and technical products, we can combine technologies to give your products outstanding functionality:
- Overmoulding of textiles (mono / bi and tri material)
- Gas or water assisted injection (mono / bi and tri material)
- Insert molding
- Overmoulding with elastomers
Functions :
- Waterproofing
- Haptics (soft touch)
- Vibration damping
- Bi-color
- In-mold assemblies
- Find all the material compatibilities in our practical guides.
5 to 8 weeksincluded quality controlAvailable surface finishesFonctions d'étanchéitéGreat precisionWide choice of materials and technologiesGlobal deliveryPlusieurs couleurs sur le meme produitHaptics (soft touch)